Landing Page FAQ: How do Landing Pages Work with Google AdWords?


Generally speaking, there’s three main components of any AdWords campaign: keywords, ads, and landing pages.

Most people are familiar with the relationship between keywords and ads, but less are aware of the relationship between ads and landing pages.

In a nutshell, the same way that ads should correspond to the keywords that they are targeting, landing pages should correspond with the ads they are receiving traffic from.

For the complete answer to “how do landing pages work with AdWords?” check out our article 21 Ways: How to Create Landing Page/ Google Ad Combos that Work.

One major mistake that new AdWords marketers make is trying to send targeted PPC traffic to an untargeted landing page.

An example of this could be users clicking on a “Start Your Free 7 Day Trial” ad and then being sent to a company’s homepage with no mention of a 7 day trial.

This type of ad / landing page disconnect can be a major cause for wasted PPC spend resulting in a high bounce rate and in turn a low quality score.

To fix this, sophisticated marketers ensure that they always send AdWords traffic to dedicated landing pages tailored to the content of their ads.

Take a look at an example of a good ad / landing page combination…

The Google Ad:

The Corresponding Landing Page:

Notice how the ad and the landing page both clearly mention the $9.99 offer as well as not needing a contract in order to sign up?

By using targeted ad landing pages, marketers are able to increase the effectiveness of their PPC campaigns resulting in less wasted ad spend, and a higher ROI.

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