Wishpond Releases Powerful New Visitor Tracking


How are your marketing campaigns doing? Have you been taking advantage of the power of marketing automation?

If you have, you know just how simple it is to set up workflows for visitors to your pages, and the dramatic impact marketing automation can have on your marketing success.

Today, we at Wishpond are excited to introduce a little marketing automation power-up to give you more ways to track your visitors’ activity.

You can find these new-fangled parameters in Campaign conditions within the marketing automation workflows you create in Wishpond.

I know how busy marketers can be, so here’s a quick list of the new filter properties that are now available in the Wishpond marketing automation tool if you’re itching to get back to work.

You can now track if visitors have…

  • Clicked a button on a campaign page
  • Clicked an image on a campaign page
  • Clicked an icon on a campaign page
  • Clicked a Facebook like button on a campaign page
  • Clicked a Twitter button on a campaign page
  • Clicked a Google+ button on a campaign page
  • Played a video on a campaign page
  • Paused a video on a campaign page
  • Finished a video on a campaign page

Knowing if a visitor has seen or converted on a campaign page? Pretty cool… But knowing if a visitor has done things like clicked buttons or paused videos makes for some exciting marketing automation opportunities.

Interested in learning how these new conditions can shake up your marketing automation strategy? Keep reading.

Clicking a Button/Image/Icon on a Campaign Page

Here’s an example landing page I created for my new (and totally fake) outdoor equipment company, Peaks&Valleys:

marketing automation software

As you can see, my landing page leads to four other pages: snow sports, hiking, running, and cycling. Once a visitor clicks on one of these images, we can track their activity.

Because we’re monitoring them with the Wishpond tracking pixel, we can use this information to segment them, even if they haven’t yet converted on a campaign.

Let’s say Bruce visits my page and decides he’s interested in the snow sports portion of our business. Clicking the snow image leads him to another landing page promising a store discount in exchange for an email:

marketing automation software

However, we didn’t follow landing page best practices and the page kind of sucks – so Bruce chooses not to convert, and leaves.

All is lost!
?Unless… We actually did collect data from Bruce. How is that possible? Well, as soon as a visitor views one of our pages, the Wishpond tracking pixel tags their browser. Whenever someone visits from the same IP again, the information we’ve collected stays with them (unless they hide it with VPN).

What I’ve done in the back-end here is create a condition that adds visitors to the list Snow when they click the “snow” button, like this:

marketing automation software

Even though Bruce hasn’t converted, he’s visited our pages and is being tracked by the Wishpond tracking pixel – his visitor data has been sent through the workflow I’ve created and his “Interest” lead property has been set to “Snow” based on this action:

marketing automation software

Once I get Bruce to convert – trust me, I will – his database entry has been “set up”. Even if he converts on a different landing page, we’ll know he previously clicked on our Snow button (as long as he’s on the same device). So when we do get his lead information, he’ll already have the Snow lead property on his lead profile, and he’ll be ready to go in any snow sports-related workflows we have in the future.

Marketing Automation with Social Button Clicks

It can be hard to think of ways to use social button clicks as condition parameters to trigger your workflows when you consider that getting your visitors to click a Facebook Like or Twitter share button is a victory in and of itself.

But wait! There are ways we can use it yet.

For this example, we’ll be creating what I’ll call an engagement score – just a simple derivative of lead scoring. I’ve created a lead property in the Dashboard called Engagement Score. I want this number to represent how engaged each lead or visitor is with us on our pages.

Once I’ve created this lead property, I’ll create a workflow for one of my campaigns that has social buttons, and set (for example) “clicked a Twitter button on” as a condition. The consequential action will be to set a lead property; in this case, we’ll choose Engagement Score.

What’s cool is I can create workflows for each different social button and assign different values to each – if, for example, I value Facebook Likes over Twitter shares, I can set Facebook Likes to increase Engagement Score by 25 while Twitter increases it only by 10.

Here’s what my condition looks like:

marketing automation software

And the consequent action:

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Once these simple workflows are set up, I can see and gauge the interactivity of each lead, which in most cases is representative of their likelihood to engage in the future. This also allows me to do things like shout out or otherwise reward my most engaged leads.

?I can also use my new Engagement Score lead property to set up other marketing automation workflows. For example, I can create an automation workflow that sends an email to leads with an engagement score over, say, 200, saying something like:

Hey! thanks for engaging with us. To show our appreciation, here’s a 10% discount code for your next purchase.

Pretty neat, huh? These new campaign conditions really allow us to get more specific when it comes to marketing automation.

Marketing Automation with Video Activity

I saved this one for last because it’s my favorite. Seriously.

Having information on how people view videos changes everything. The concept is pretty straightforward, right? We can now collect data on how visitors interact with the media on pages containing the Wishpond tracking pixel. Specifically, we can see whether visitors:

  • Played a video
  • Paused a video
  • Finished a video

Here are a couple ideas you can put to use with this data…

If a visitor played a video but didn’t finish it, you can send them an email like the following (let’s continue with the outdoor sports theme):

Hey there!
It’s Carlo from Peaks&Valleys. I noticed you didn’t finish our video, “The 5 Pieces of Hiking Gear You Need this Winter.” Totally legit. We’re all busy people. But we thought you might want a summary:


If you would like to go back and finish it, here’s a link.

Thanks for watching – I hope it helped!


Knowing a customer didn’t finish a video means there’s an opportunity to connect with them and provide them value with the potential of creating a customer you may not have otherwise.

If they did finish it, you might want to send them other pieces of content they might find interesting, or even (for example) links to the 5 pieces of hiking gear mentioned in the video they watched.

Put simply, knowing how your visitors interact with videos you embed on your pages makes it possible to send better-targeted communications with more relevant content – it’s a win-win.

Do keep in mind, however, that you’ll only be able to send emails to visitors who have converted on one of your landing pages – after all, it’s a little tough to send emails without an email address.


So there you have it – three awesome ways you can use the new conditions in the Wishpond marketing automation tool to shoot towards success. And there are millions more!

What do you think? Any ideas you have for our new marketing automation features? I’d love to hear them – share them with me in the comments below.

Not using Wishpond yet? What are you waiting for? Start a 14-day free trial today!


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