With 2.1 billion users, YouTube is undoubtedly one of the best places to reach new customers and grow your brand. 

All kinds of businesses have seen some amazing success on YouTube, and there are many different ways that you can use this video platform. 

Now, you’re probably wondering how your small business can find a place on highly competitive YouTube and build an audience?

Yes, there are loads of high-quality, high-budget videos out there. At the same time, creating great video content can be easy and doesn’t require much more than a camera and an internet connection. 

So, if you want to start a YouTube channel but aren’t sure what kind of content to publish, this guide will give you the best ideas you need to know. 

But first, let’s cover some tips to help you get started with YouTube. 

YouTube Tips for Small Business Owners

Creating a YouTube channel for your brand can be a pretty big commitment. Before you get started, here are a few important things to consider about managing a YouTube channel. 

Make Sure YouTube is the Right Channel for Your Business

YouTube is a fantastic channel for marketing all kinds of businesses. It has a massive audience and can offer you loads of exposure. On the other hand, running a YouTube strategy requires serious commitment. Plus, the platform is highly competitive. 

Before committing to YouTube, make sure it’s a good fit for your digital marketing mix. Understand what goes into creating YouTube content and how and why you’ll use it to attract customers. 

Because even if you manage to get millions of subscribers, this doesn’t necessarily mean these people will turn into customers. 

Check out our guide on the best small business marketing channels for more information. We also break down the specific factors to consider in comparing YouTube vs. Podcasts for businesses. 

Know What You Aim to Achieve With YouTube Videos

Always have a goal when creating a YouTube channel.

Do you want to use YouTube videos to attract or nurture leads? Educate your customers? Generate more brand awareness? Build an Audience? Promote specific products?

Whatever the case, know what you want to achieve with your videos before you create them. This will help your videos achieve a traceable goal instead of simply publishing content just because you can.

Have the Right Resources

There’s a lot that goes into creating YouTube videos. You need to have video equipment and video creation and editing skills. You may need to write a script, source music, buy a camera, find a video host, and more. 

Not all businesses have these resources available. 

Don’t worry; there are plenty of easy ways to make great YouTube content on a budget. However, creating YouTube videos still requires time, effort, expertise, and possibly money. 

Make sure you have the tools, budget, and skills available before you commit to a YouTube strategy.

Know How to Promote Your YouTube Content

Creating and publishing YouTube content is only the first step. The next part is making sure you promote this content properly. Without this, you won’t have enough people watching your videos. 

So, before you start on YouTube, make sure you have a strategy in place for promoting and sharing your content. This could include optimizing your videos for SEO, sharing videos on social media, adding videos to your email marketing strategy, and more. 

If you don’t distribute your video content properly, there’s a good chance nobody will end up watching it. 

Think Long-Term

Building a successful YouTube channel is a long-term game. 

Sure, this depends on the reason you’re publishing content, as you may just need a few videos to share on your site and with customers. However, if you want to build an engaged audience, then you need to be consistent in publishing YouTube content. 

If you’ve decided this is a serious marketing channel to pursue, then be sure to schedule it into your marketing efforts for the long run.

Chances are, you won’t see much success with the first few videos you publish. However, the more you create and publish video content, the more your views and subscribers will gradually increase. 

Understand the Different Forms of Video Available

YouTube may be the most popular form of video online. However, it’s certainly not the only place you can create and publish video marketing content. 

Many other great video formats and channels exist, like Instagram Reels and TikTok. Before you decide on YouTube, make sure you understand the differences between these platforms and the types of videos that perform best. 

Only choose YouTube if the videos you plan to create make more sense for the platform than others. 

In general, YouTube is better for longer-form, more detailed content. If you just want to create short and fun videos about your brand, you may have an easier time focusing on TikTok.

12 Best YouTube Video Ideas for Business Owners

Want to tap into the power and potential of YouTube for growing your business but aren’t sure where to start? 

Don’t worry! No matter who you are, what your business does, or what video skills and equipment you have available, you can create awesome video content on YouTube. 

To help you get started, here are some of the best YouTube video ideas for small businesses. 

1. Introduce Your Business

First things first, you should use YouTube to introduce your business. One of the best YouTube video ideas for any small business is simply to run through who you are, what you do, and how you operate. 

This can be great video content to share on your other marketing channels, embed on your website, add to email drip sequences, or even use as a featured video on your YouTube channel. 

Introducing your business is a great place to start, as this gives you many video ideas you can branch off from. People who find your channel and watch your videos can always find their way back to your business introduction.

2. Product Demos

Showcase your products in action and highlight their features and benefits. This is a great YouTube video idea for any business that sells physical products – especially eCommerce stores. 

You can use these videos on your product pages, on your website, or share them on social media. This is effective because video provides far greater insights into how your products work and what they can do compared to photos. 

You could consider showing your products in action, doing a “before and after” type video using your product, or running a detailed product tutorial on what features your product includes and how to use it. 

3. How-to Tutorials

Create videos that explain how to use your products or services. This is a great way to reveal more about what your business offers and how this can impact customers. 

It’s important to highlight the value of your products and services here. Don’t just reveal what you can do with your products, but show what kind of value they add and why they make people’s lives better. Video is a great way to illustrate this. 

4. Behind-the-Scenes Footage

If you want to show off more personality behind your business and create a closer and more personal relationship with your audience, then this is one of the best YouTube video ideas. 

Give your viewers an exclusive look at how your business operates and the people who make it happen. You could do a behind-the-scenes tour of your office space or warehouse, introduce your team members, or film day in the life videos at your business. 

This reveals more about how your business operates and who is behind it. Getting this right can help personalize your brand, build trust, and make your audience feel more connected to what you do. 

5. Customer Testimonials

Ask satisfied customers to share their positive experiences with your business on camera. You could create these videos really easily by simply interviewing and recording customers on a platform like Zoom. Put together short customer testimonial videos, and these can have a powerful effect on your marketing strategy. 

Include these customer testimonials on your website in your email marketing campaigns. Embed them onto landing pages, sent them to leads, and used them in the sales cycle. There are many scenarios where a positive customer testimonial video will be valuable for your business. 

The reason this is so important is because of social proof. If a prospective customer sees someone like them talking about how great your business or product is, there’s a much better chance they will trust this person and believe in what they are saying. 

This will help you create far more compelling marketing messages compared to what your brand could offer. 

6. Q&A Sessions

This can be a great way to address any commonly asked questions and provide more insights for your customers or leads. When people research your business and find these videos, this can be very valuable in influencing their purchasing decision. 

Answer common questions that your customers or clients may have and address these in your video. 

You could create a series of these videos to provide feedback and updates to your audience constantly. This also gives you valuable marketing and sales materials you can share with people during the decision-making process of making a purchase. 

7. Expert Interviews

Invite industry experts to share their insights and knowledge with your audience. This is an excellent way to add value to your audience and position your brand as a reputable, trusted industry leader. 

You could arrange a series of interview-style videos and sit down and chat with the guest. You could even repurpose these videos from webinars or podcasts, such as this:

This is a great way to add value and educate and inform your audience. It will also help you develop a greater professional; network, which can help increase your brand exposure. 

If someone interested in your industry sees that an expert they know and trust is associated with your brand in some way, they will trust and respect your brand more. 

8. Industry News and Updates

Keep your viewers informed about your industry’s latest news and trends. This is always helpful, as it can help you generate a lot of v videos based on topical, trending content. 

If something big is happening in your industry, try creating a YouTube video on the subject as soon as possible. This topic will be on people’s minds, so they will likely be researching and engaging with it. This is a great way to boost your video search potential and attract a larger audience. 

Talking about topical news matters also helps to position your brand as an industry expert or thought leader. Customers will feel more trust and confidence in you if they know you are on top of all industry trends and news. 

9. Events and Promotions

Create videos to promote upcoming events or promotions or to recap successful ones. Of course, this only works if your business runs events in the first place. 

Again, one of the best strategies here is to run webinars or online events and simply record and repurpose them into YouTube content. This helps you create two forms of compelling marketing content (live event and YouTube video) with a single effort. 

10. Company Culture

Share your company values and culture with viewers and highlight what makes your business unique. This is a great way to reveal more about what your business stands for and why you exist. 

People don’t just want to know about what a  business does. If you want to create a real connection with your audience, you should focus on marketing your business values. This will help you create a greater impact on your target audience, and it can help you improve customer loyalty. 

11. Educational Content

Create informative videos on topics related to your industry or niche, such as how-to guides, tutorials, or explainer videos. This is hands-down one of the best ideas for YouTibe videos, as it adds so much value to your audience. You’ll also be able to attract loads of awareness and searches around this. 

Think about it. If you sell surfboards, you could create YouTube videos like “surfing tips” or “how to surf” people will watch these videos, get inspired, and possibly buy a board from you. 

Although these videos won’t always directly result in sales, they are a great way to generate brand awareness and launch top-of-funnel marketing content.

12. Use Shorts

While YouTube’s bread and butter are long videos, you can also create a great impact on the platform using Shorts. This is YouTube’s answer to Tikrtok and Reels. 

Try experimenting with shorts and creating fun, entertaining, simple, and light-hearted video content. These videos are easier to make, and they can he;p you generate a lot more views thanks to the unique shorts algorithm. 

You can check out our guide on the best Reel ideas for small businesses to help you understand the kind of content you can create for shorts. 

However, one great tip is to use shorts to promote your longer form youtube videos. Share short clips of snippets of the video in your short, and link to the main video. This is a great way to reach more people and get your main video more views. 


And there you go, some of the best ideas small businesses can use for creating YouTube content. 

As soon as you start creating videos, you’ll find that it’s actually a lot easier than you might have thought. Get it right, and YouTube can be one of the best ways to attract new customers and grow your business.

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