5 Ways to Use Instagram Question Stickers for Higher Engagement


Without a doubt, Instagram has turned into an incredibly popular social platform, also for brands.

The problem? With such a growing competition, you may be finding it hard to keep your followers engaged.

Well, that’s where things like Instagram stickers and, more specifically, Question Stickers come in.

These little surveys can help you connect with the audience and add something extra to your stories.

So, let’s explore Instagram Question stickers further.

What are Instagram Question Stickers

Instagram launched question stickers back in 2018 as a new feature to simplify interactions between users. The idea was to add a sticker to Stories to make them more engaging.

How? Well, because instead of asking a question in the caption, you could include it in a cute looking sticker like this.

Since then, Question stickers have taken the network by storm, with both individual accounts and brands using them in their stories.

But should you use them too? Here are some insights to help you decide.

Why Add Instagram Question Stickers To Your Brand’s Strategy?

Using Question stickers on your Stories can lead to three key benefits:

1. Improved engagement

The biggest reason to include Question stickers to your marketing strategy is to boost your engagement. It’s an easy and quick way to ask frequent questions, gather feedback, or simply host Q&A sessions.

Your supporters appreciate the simplicity of the process, which is why Question stickers have become so popular.

2. More user-generated content

Question stickers allow you to come up with new content opportunities. By including them to your Instagram strategy, you are embracing the idea of regularly interacting with your followers to listen to their thoughts and recommendations.

In fact, with stickers, you are making your followers feel involved in your brand’s content, which makes a perfect opportunity to turn the engagement into new user-generated content.

3. Increased authenticity

It’s easy to post a Question sticker, but it still requires a plan on how you want to use Questions from now on. Once you get to grips with the way they work, you can use them to highlight your brand’s voice.

You can even think outside the box compared to what the followers would expect from you to surprise them with your authentic content.

How to Create Instagram Question Stickers

If you haven’t used Instagram’s Question sticker before, don’t worry. It’s very easy to find.

  1. Go to Stories
  2. Click on the Sticker button either on the top right of your screen or by swiping up
  3. Pick the Question sticker
  4. Ask a question
  5. Start looking at the responses from your followers
  6. Share the responses as new Stories

When you’re ready to ask a question, you will see that the default text is ‘Ask me a question,’ but you can change it to anything you want. Keep in mind that your question should be up to 50 characters.

You can look at all the responses by swiping up on the Story so that you would look at the Insights. You can also find the responses through your notifications to make their access even easier.

It’s up to you to share the responses that you want to highlight a few of the replies to your questions.

5 Examples of How Brands Use Instagram Question Stickers

There are many ways to use Instagram question stickers as a brand. Here are five examples of how to boost your engagement.

1. Run Ask Me Anything sessions

It’s common to use an Instagram question sticker to host Ask-Me-Anything sessions. You can invite a team member or even an influencer to join a Q&A where your followers can ask all sorts of questions.

It’s an alternative to live streaming videos, and it can be very interactive. A good way to make the most of it is to schedule Instagram posts beforehand that will help you promote the AMA session. You can schedule Instagram posts in ad.

For example, if you are a fitness brand, you can invite a trainer in a Q&A session that will get your followers to ask their questions. You can re-share their questions along with your answers to keep the conversation going.

2. Answer product questions

An engaging way to promote your product is to ask questions about how your consumers use it. For example, a food brand can ask its followers to share their favorite product from its menu along with their favorite recipe.

Or you can even encourage your followers to ask their questions around your products. Whether it’s about delivery and shipping or the ingredients and your upcoming plans, the options are endless!

Remember, your product questions should be authentic and engaging. The primary goal is to start a conversation and get your followers interested in your Stories.

3. Ask casual questions

Not all questions have to be serious. In fact, many brands have succeeded in using Question stickers in a more casual way to boost their engagement.

It’s an opportunity to highlight your brand’s tone of voice and authenticity through simple questions that are relevant, original, and engaging.

For example, you can ask your followers to share their song recommendations for a playlist that you’re putting together. You can also ask your followers for their ideal way to start their day to inspire others for new ideas.

Your questions should still be part of your content plan, and they tend to work better when you are consistent with them.

How about asking every Friday for new song recommendations based on the latest releases? Or how about asking a question every Wednesday as part of #WellnessWednesday that is usually trending?

Make sure you allow your followers to familiarise themselves with your casual questions and the reason that you are asking them.

4. Run Instagram takeovers with ambassadors and influencers

One of the most popular ways to use Question stickers is to involve them in your Instagram takeovers.

Takeovers take place when you hand over your account to someone else for a set time. It’s common for brands to host takeovers with ambassadors and influencers to grant them access to their profile and let them express themselves.

They are ideal for brand awareness and engagement as they help you reach a new audience in a very authentic way.

Many ambassadors and influencers add Question stickers to their plan during a takeover to engage with the brand’s followers. It’s simple, easy, and very engaging.

5. Ask for feedback

It’s very easy to ask for feedback using the Question sticker in your Stories. Brands can ask for feedback for their latest product or even plan a sneak peek of an upcoming launch.

Your followers will feel involved in your brand’s strategy while you’re also gaining valuable feedback.

For example, a sports apparel brand can ask their followers to help them plan their next campaign. You can ask for feedback on different designs, messaging, or even products that you can feature.

In a simpler example, you can launch a new product and then use the Question sticker after a few weeks so that your followers can share their thoughts about it.

Question stickers do not replace detailed feedback or product review, but they can still give you a quick idea of the sentiment around your brand and your products.

Closing Thoughts

The best way to stay successful on Instagram is to monitor the latest trends that will help you keep your brand’s strategy relevant.

Question stickers can help you boost your engagement by sharing Stories that focus on your followers. When asking a question, it’s not about you. It’s about your followers.

Your questions should be the starting point of a two-way conversation between the brand and the consumers. They can help you build an engaging community of followers who enjoy your authentic presence and become more willing to trust your brand.

Start with small ideas. Craft interesting questions to ask, monitor the engagement, and plan your strategy accordingly.
Good luck!

Author Bio:
Hugh Stephens is the founder of Sked Social, a social media management platform allowing users to schedule Instagram posts and stories with ease.


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