10 Mistakes to Avoid When Launching Your Small Business


Follow this guide for ten of the most common mistakes in business and why you need to avoid them.

There’s a lot that goes into launching a new business. 

You need to attract customers, make sure all elements of your business are set up in the right place, ensure your product is solid, manage your finances, and the list goes on… 

Basically, you have to wear a lot of hats. 

Naturally, this results in a lot of new business owners making a lot of mistakes. 

Before you dive into the world of business blindly, make sure you spend time strategically planning your business launch. Know what steps you will take to execute your business plan, know how you will operate, and understand how you will grow. 

This will help you achieve success a lot more easily.

To help you get started on the right path, here are ten common business mistakes to avoid at all costs.

1. Not Having a Marketing Plan

2. Not Defining Your Target Audience

3. Trying to Do it All Yourself

4. Hiring too Soon

5. Not Using the Right Software to Help You Scale

6. Growing too Fast Without Being Prepared to Scale

7. Doing too Much, too Soon

8. Not Having Goals

9. Not Investing in Organic Growth

10. Focusing On the Wrong Growth Channels

1. Not Having a Marketing Plan

One of the biggest business mistakes small business owners make is starting without a clear marketing plan. 

You need customers when you start, and your marketing plan is how you will make this happen. 

So many small business owners put all their time and effort into perfecting their products and setting up their business idea that they forget about marketing. 

Not having a marketing plan when starting a business will lead to a lack of direction and focus for the company. A marketing plan defines your target audience, outlines strategies for reaching and engaging with that audience, and sets specific goals and metrics for measuring success. 

Without a plan, any small business will struggle to effectively promote its products or services. This means missing out on potential customers. 

A marketing plan can also help to identify potential challenges and develop solutions to overcome them. Without this, businesses fail.

So, before you launch, know how you’re going to connect with your target customers and how you’re going to get them to buy from your business. Lay this out in a step-by-step plan so that you have a clear roadmap to follow.

Need help? Here are some guides you can follow:

2. Not Defining Your Target Audience

On a related note, not defining a clear target audience when starting a business can be a terrible mistake. It will lead to ineffective marketing and sales efforts. 

When a business doesn’t have a solid understanding of who its target audience is, it results in a lack of focus and direction in marketing and sales campaigns. Basically, you’re shooting in the dark\ trying to find people to buy your products.

For example, your business might not know which marketing channels to use to reach its audience, what messaging will resonate with them, or what products or services they are most likely to purchase. Not knowing your target audience can also lead to wasted resources and missed sales opportunities. 

By clearly defining your target audience, your business can tailor its marketing and sales efforts to reach and engage them. 

What does this result in? Not wasting money while being able to acquire customers faster.

3. Trying to Do it All Yourself

When you start a small business, it might just be you. We understand what it’s like to have limited resources and a long list of things to do. However, this doesn’t mean you must do it all yourself!

Trying to do everything yourself when starting a business can lead to burnout, lack of expertise, and inefficiency. 

Starting a business requires a lot of work, and trying to handle all aspects of it yourself can be overwhelming and time-consuming. It can also be difficult to have the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to handle all aspects of a business – such as marketing, accounting, and legal tasks. This can lead to poor decision-making and costly mistakes.

Another mistake in trying to do all the work yourself is that it can limit the potential growth of your business. When the business owner is the only one doing all the work, they can’t scale the business, they can’t take time off, and they can’t have a balanced life. Most importantly, they can’t have a business that works with less involvement from the owner because there is no one else who can do the work.

By delegating tasks and responsibilities to a team of experts, a business owner can focus on the most important aspects of their business, such as strategy and growth. All other tasks will be handled carefully and efficiently while they do this. 

Outsourcing certain tasks or hiring employees with specialized skills can also help to bring new perspectives and ideas to the business. It’s all about investing in smart, stable business growth. 

Sure, you might not have the resources to take on new hires straight away, and yes, you must work hard. However, solutions like Wishpond, which offers marketing services on-demand, can be a game-changer for busy business owners. 

4. Hiring too Soon

Hiring too soon when starting a business can be a big mistake. It can lead to financial strain and inefficiency – not to mention poor hiring decisions. 

When a business is first starting out, it probably won’t have a steady stream of revenue or a clear understanding of what its needs will be in the long term. Hiring employees before your business is financially stable or before your business needs are fully understood can be a major strain. 

Hiring employees before the business is ready can also lead to inefficiency. This is because you won’t have the proper systems, processes, or infrastructure in place to effectively manage and utilize new staff.

Another mistake that could happen if you hire too soon is that you could end up hiring the wrong people. This could be people who are not a good fit for the company culture or people who don’t have the right skill set for the position. This can lead to high turnover and wasted resources on hiring, training, and supporting employees that don’t work out.

It can be more beneficial for a business to start with a lean team or to outsource certain tasks until the business is more established and has a better understanding of its long-term needs. This helps your business develop at a more sustainable pace. Not only that, but it can help protect your company card from misuse, cut down on general theft, and shield your public reputation if the people you hire end up being untrustworthy. Then you can make hiring decisions that are better informed later on down the line.

5. Not Using the Right Software to Help You Scale

We’re living in a digital world. If you don’t set your business up with the right software, you’re making a big mistake. 

Not using the right software to help you scale when starting a business can limit the growth and efficiency of your business big time. As a business grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage tasks like marketing, accounting, customer relationship management, and project management manually. 

The right software can automate many of these tasks, freeing up time for the business to focus on more important tasks – like strategy and growth. 

Using the right software can also help a business be more efficient and effective by providing tools for analyzing data, tracking progress, and automating certain processes.

Another mistake that could happen if you don’t use the right software is that your business could end up using software that doesn’t fit its needs. The software could be too difficult to use or too expensive, or it doesn’t integrate well with other systems. This can lead to wasted resources, inefficiency, and frustration.

So, start by setting your business up with a software solution that helps you grow and handle time-consuming tasks. As demand for your business picks up, your software system will be there to grow with you.

Top tip: Using an all-in-one software solution will cut down on software costs while making it easier to scale.

6. Growing too Fast Without Being Prepared to Scale 

Before diving headfirst into your business, have a plan for how you’re going to handle business growth. If demand is greater than you planned for, you might have a problem.

Growing too fast without being prepared to scale can be a mistake when starting a business because it can lead to operational issues, financial strain, and customer dissatisfaction. 

When a business grows too quickly, it can be difficult to keep up with the increased demand for goods and services. This leads to operational issues like supply chain disruptions, quality control problems, and longer lead times. 

A business that is not prepared to scale may not have the financial resources or infrastructure in place to support its rapid growth. This can lead to financial strain and cash flow problems.

Growing too fast can also lead to a lack of focus on customer satisfaction. The business may not have the proper systems or processes in place to manage and respond to customer needs and complaints. This can result in negative reviews and lost customers.

To avoid these mistakes, it’s important for a business to be prepared for growth before it happens. This includes setting up systems, processes, and infrastructure to handle increased demand. You also need to have a solid financial plan in place to support it. 

It’s also important for your business to focus on customer satisfaction and to continuously monitor and respond to customer feedback to avoid any negative impact on the business. Even though you’re just starting out, always think long-term.

7. Doing too Much, too Soon

When you start a business, you probably have a grand plan for many different things you want to achieve. 

Woah, slow down. Take it one step at a time. 

Doing too much too soon when starting a business can lead to burnout, missed opportunities, and wasted resources. 

When a business tries to take on too many projects, services, or products at once, it can become overwhelmed and unable to focus on the most important tasks. Your business may not have the resources or expertise to handle all of the tasks it has taken on, leading to poor-quality work and missed opportunities.

Another mistake that could happen if you try to do too much too soon is that your business could end up spreading itself too thin and not being able to excel in any of the areas it’s trying to cover. 

This could lead to a lack of focus, loss of reputation, and ultimately, lost revenue.

It’s important for your business to prioritize its tasks and focus on the most important and pressing tasks first. This will help your business to be more efficient and effective, allowing it to grow and scale in a sustainable way. 

It’s also important for your business to be mindful of its resources and only take on projects and services that you can handle with the resources you have available.

For example, you might want to develop a diverse social media strategy on every possible channel. A smarter idea would be to only focus on a couple of channels when you start, grow them, and get good at them. As your social media efforts can scale up, you can start to expand to other channels. Start too strong, and you will spread your special media marketing too thin. This won’t get results.

8. Not Having Goals

Not having goals when starting a business is one of the most common mistakes. It results in a lack of direction and focus for the business. Without clear goals, your business will struggle to determine its priorities and allocate its resources effectively. 

Goals also provide a way to measure success and progress, which is important for any business.

Another mistake that could happen if you don’t have goals is that the business could end up without a clear vision of what it wants to achieve. This could lead to a lack of motivation, lack of direction, and lack of focus. Your business will drift aimlessly and not achieve its potential.

Goals also help a business to identify potential challenges and develop solutions to overcome them. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can also help a business to create a sense of purpose and focus its efforts on achieving its desired outcomes.

9. Not Investing in Organic Growth

When you start a business, you want to get customers fast. This is why investing in paid advertising strategies can seem like such a good idea. 

Yes, it is a good idea, and paid ads work really well. However, if you don’t build a solid organic growth foundation too, you’ll end up facing some pretty bad problems further down the line. 

Not investing in organic growth when starting a business can limit the potential growth and sustainability of the business. 

In this case, organic growth refers to growing the business through inbound marketing, publishing content, SEO, and any other tactics that result in naturally connecting with customers. 

Investing in organic growth is all about building a strong foundation for the business by developing a unique value proposition, creating a strong brand, and providing excellent customer service.

One mistake that could happen if you don’t invest in organic growth is that the business could end up not having a strong brand, reputation, or loyal customers. This can lead to a lack of recognition, a lack of trust from customers, and a lack of long-term revenue.

So, start creating marketing content and connecting with your customers organically. Even if it doesn’t achieve results straight away, it helps you build the foundation for a more sustainable business.

10. Focusing On the Wrong Growth Channels

As a new business owner, you certainly want to avoid wasted resources and missed opportunities. This is why you need to grow your business with the right channels.

Every business is different, and what works for one business may not work for another. It’s important for a business to understand its target audience and the channels that are most likely to reach and engage them. Choosing the wrong growth channels can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities to connect with your actual target customers.

If you focus on the wrong growth channels, your business could end up not reaching its target audience or reaching the wrong people. This can lead to low conversion rates, low ROI, and, ultimately, lost revenue.

It’s important for your business to identify the most effective growth channels for your industry and target audience and then allocate your resources accordingly. This is key to maximizing your chances of success.


Sure, there’s a lot you can do wrong when starting a business. And to be honest, making mistakes is an important part of being a business owner, as this is how you learn and grow. 

However, when you’re investing so much time, effort, and energy into your business, you certainly don’t want to lose out by not planning properly. Avoid the mistakes above, and you’ll be on a far better path to success. 

Want more business insights? Check out some of our guides below. 
